『Last Best To The Future』が好評、同作の発売に伴うワンマン・ライヴを東京、札幌、大阪にて3月に行うことも決定している
Full Of Harmonyが、2タイトルのミックス作品(各税込1,300円)をリリース。その第1弾となる『“To The Groove”mixed by DJ AGETETSU』の配信がiTunes
“GROOVE”と“SMOOTH”をキーワードに、Full Of HarmonyのオフィシャルDJとしても知られるDJ AGETETSUが全F.O.H楽曲からの選りすぐりをミックスする本作。第2弾『“To The Smooth”mixed by DJ AGETETSU』は、3月9日(水)からの配信が決定しています。
なお、『Last Best To The Future』に合わせたワンマン・ライヴ〈LIVE TOUR 2016 NATURAL BORN SANGSTAR 2016〜TO THE FUTURE〉は3月21日(月・祝)東京・赤坂 BLITZ、3月25日(金)北海道・札幌 PENNY LANE24、4月8日(金)大阪・梅田 CLUB QUATTROの3公演。赤坂BLITZ公演はすでにソールドアウトとなっています。詳しくはオフィシャル・サイト(
F.O.H Best Mix
『“To The Groove”mixed by DJ AGETETSU』
01. BE ALRIGHT (Album Version) / from the album “Full Of Harmony”
02. WHAT YOU WANT / from the album “Full Of Harmony”
03. Juicy / from the album “II”
04. ROCK YA BODY / from the album “W”
05. SOUL LETTER / from the album “W”
06. All I Want / from the album “II”
07. UTAKATA / from the album “DRAMA”
08. CASINO DRIVE / from the album “Project Viking”
09. KABUKI道 / from the maxi single “Brand New Day”
10. Through the GATE / from the album “DRAMA”
11. Do dance / from the album “II”
12. JUST A GIRL from the album “W”
13. Angel / from the album “DRAMA”
14. Ride With Me Part.2 / from the album “II”
15. Jack Pot / from the album “Life Size Speaker”
16. Exclusive / from the album “Life Size Speaker”
17. Wonder Girl / from the album “W”
18. Summer Gorgeous / from the album “Life Size Speaker”
19. PARTY TIME / from the album “DRAMA”
20. Typhoon / from the album “Full Of Harmony”
F.O.H Best Mix
『“To The Smooth”mixed by DJ AGETETSU』
01.BRAND NEW DAY / from the album “W”
02. another world / from the album “DRAMA”
03. That's why / from the album “ENERGY”
04. SUPERSTAR / from the album “DRAMA”
05. Happy Flight 客室乗務的淑女 / from the album “ENERGY”
06. my シンデレラ / from the album “II”
07. Mr. Lonely / from the album “ENERGY”
08. さよならが言えなくて / from the album “II”
09. はなびら / from the album “ENERGY”
10. SWEET NOVEMBER / from the album “W”
11. Can You Feel My Love / from the album “Full Of Harmony”
12. 星降る夜は誰のため 〜crazy for you / from the album “Project Viking”
13. YOU & I / from the album “DRAMA”
14. Rhythm / from the album “life size Speaker”
15. It makes the world go around / from the album “II”
16. TAKE IT SLOW / from the album “Full Of Harmony”
17. JOY / from the album “DRAMA”life size Speaker”
18. Harmony / from the album “DRAMA”
19. アリガトウ / from the album “life size Speaker”
20. I Believe / from the album “life size Speaker”