

キング・クリムゾン   2010/08/02 14:17掲載
 キング・クリムゾン(King Crimson)の名作がDVDオーディオ付きで蘇る、デビュー40周年記念エディション。『レッド』『クリムゾン・キングの宮殿』『リザード』に続く作品のリリースが決定!

 今回対象となるのは『ポセイドンのめざめ(In The Wake Of Poseidon)』(1970年 / 写真)と、『アイランズ(Island)』(1971年)の2タイトル。今回もスティーヴン・ウィルソンポーキュパイン・ツリー)とロバート・フリップによるニュー・ステレオと5.1リミックス音源を採用。

 『ポセイドンのめざめ』のCDにはボーナス・トラックとして、「Cat Food」のシングルB面曲であった「Groon」や「Peace: An End」の別ミックス、グレッグ・レイクがガイド・ヴォーカルを担当した「Cadence and Cascade」を収録。またDVDオーディオにはCDと同じボーナス・トラックに加え、リハーサルや別ミックスなども収められます。

 『アイランズ』のCDにはボーナス・トラックとして、レコーディング・セッションやリハーサル音源、そして未発表の「A Peacemaking Stint Unrolls」などを収録。またDVDオーディオにはCDと同じボーナス・トラックも含め、およそ90分におよぶレア音源が収められます。


『In The Wake Of Poseidon - 40th Anniversary Edition (CD/DVDA)』(1970年)

*Original album - 2010 mix

01. Peace: A Beginning
02. Pictures of a City
03. Cadence & Cascade
04. In The Wake of Poseidon
05. Peace: A Theme
06. Cat Food
07. The Devil's Triangle (part I)
08. The Devil's Triangle (part II)
09. The Devil's Triangle (part III)
10. Peace: An End

*Bonus Tracks
11. Groon
12. Peace: An End - Alternate mix
13. Cadence & Cascade (Greg Lake guide vocal version)

*MLP Lossless 5.1 Surround/DTS 5.1 Digital Surround - 2010 mix:

01. Peace: A Beginning
02. Pictures of a City
03. Cadence & Cascade
04. In The Wake of Poseidon
05. Peace: A Theme
06. Cat Food
07. The Devil's Triangle (part I)
08. The Devil's Triangle (part II)
09. The Devil's Triangle (part III)
10. Peace: An End
11. Groon

*MLP lossless/LPCM - 2010 stereo mix:

01. Peace: A Beginning
02. Pictures of a City
03. Cadence & Cascade
04. In The Wake of Poseidon
05. Peace: A Theme
06. Cat Food
07. The Devil's Triangle (part I)
08. The Devil's Triangle (part II)
09. The Devil's Triangle (part III)
10. Peace: An End
11. Groon

*Original 1970 stereo mix, 30th anniversary remaster:

01. Peace: A Beginning
02. Pictures of a City
03. Cadence & Cascade
04. In The Wake of Poseidon
05. Peace: A Theme
06. Cat Food
07. The Devil's Triangle (part I)
08. The Devil's Triangle (part II)
09. The Devil's Triangle (part III)
10. Peace: An End

*Bonus Tracks:

01. Cat Food (single version)
02. Groon (single b-side)
03. Cadence & Cascade (unedited master)
04. Cadence & Cascade (Greg Lake guide vocal version)
05. Cadence & Cascade (instrumental take from Wessex Studios)
06. Groon - Take 1
07. Groon - Take 5
08. Groon - Take 15
09. The Devil's Triangle (rehearsal version from Wessex Studios)
10. Peace: An End (alternative mix)

『Islands - 40th Anniversary Edition (CD/DVDA)』(1971年)
Islands - 40th Anniversary Edition

*Original album 2010 mix:

01. Formentera Lady
02. Sailor's Tale
03. The Letters
04. Ladies of the Road
05. Prelude: Song of the Gulls
06. Islands

*Bonus tracks:

07. Islands (studio run through with oboe prominent)
08. Formentera Lady (original recording sessions - take 2)
09. Sailor's Tale (original recording sessions - alternate mix/edit)
10. A Peacemaking Stint Unrolls (previously unreleased)
11. The Letters (rehearsal/outtake)
12. Ladies of the Road (Robert Fripp & David Singleton remix)

8 - 11 mixed by Steven Wilson from the original session reels

*MLP Lossless 5.1 Surround / DTS 5.1 Digital Surround:

01. Formentera Lady
02. Sailor's Tale
03. The Letters
04. Ladies of the Road
05. Prelude: Song of the Gulls
06. Islands

Mixed & produced from the original multi track tapes by Steven Wilson.
Executive producer Robert Fripp.

*MLP stereo / LPCM stereo - Original album 2010 stereo mix:

01. Formentera Lady
02. Sailor's Tale
03. The Letters
04. Ladies of the Road
05. Prelude: Song of the Gulls
06. Islands

*Original album 1971 mix, 30th anniversary remaster:

01. Formentera Lady
02. Sailor's Tale
03. The Letters
04. Ladies of the Road
05. Prelude: Song of the Gulls
06. Islands

*Islands: Alternative album:

01. Formentera Lady - Original recording sessions - take 2
02. Sailor's Tale - Original recording sessions - alternate mix/edit
03. The Letters - Rehearsal/outtake
04. Ladies of the Road - Rough mix
05. A Peacemaking Stint Unrolls - Previously unreleased
06. Islands - Studio run through with oboe prominent

1-3 & 5 mxed by Steven Wilson from the original session reels.

*Routes to Islands:

01. Pictures of a City - Early rehearsal by Islands lineup
02. Sailor's Tale - Early rehearsal by Islands lineup
03. Islands (fragment) - Robert Fripp reference cassette - mellotron on vibes setting
04. Formentera Lady - Rough mix from album recording sessions
05. Sailor's Tale - Rough mix from album recording sessions
06. Drop In - Early rehearsal by Islands lineup
07. The Letters - Live at Plymouth, mastered by David Singleton
08. Sailor's Tale - Live at the Zoom Club, mastered by David Singleton

*Islands: Additional tracks: Assorted Ladies:

01. Ladies of the Road - Robert Fripp & David Singleton remix
02. Ladies of the Road - Original recording sessions - take 5
03. Formentera Lady - Original recording sessions - take 1
04. Formentera Lady - Original recording sessions - take 3
05. Formentera Lady - Original recording sessions - take 4

2 - 5 mixed by Steven Wilson from the original session reels.
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