
ワン・ダイレクションのiPad miniに入っているアプリは?

ワン・ダイレクション   2013/01/22 15:50掲載
 新作『テイク・ミー・ホーム』を引っさげ実施された初来日も大盛況! 3Dコンサート・ドキュメンタリー映画公開や、11月2日(土)、3日(日)に幕張メッセで行なわれる初の来日公演と、お楽しみはまだまだ続くスーパー・ボーイズ・グループ、ワン・ダイレクション(One Direction)。多忙を極める彼ら、携帯している「iPad mini」では、「Padgram(Instagram viewer for iPad)」(ハリー)、「Flick Kick Rugby」(ナイル)、「Draw Something」(ゼイン)、「Flick Kick Football」(リアム)、「Angry Birds」(ルイ)などのアプリを楽しんでいるそう! 1Dメンバーのお気に入りアプリ、ぜひチェックしてみましょう!

【One DirectionのiPad miniに入っているアプリは?】

「PadGram Instagram Gallery for iPad mini」
“I joined Instagram earlier this year, it's funny to express stuff through pictures instead of words. I took this pic a couple of weeks ago when we were in America- the first time I had seen a real life tumbleweed! You can follow me @harrystyles”


「Flick Kick Rugby」
“I'm a huge rugby fan and this is really easy to just pick up and play when we're hanging around at rehearsals or shoots and have a bit of time to kill. My top score 548, got that last night! It's really addictive -also Tiger Woods Golf 12 is good, the lads told me I'm obsessed!”


「Draw Something」
“I'm always drawing so Draw Something is a cool game to play against your friends when you're bored and sat chilling out and relaxing.”


「Flick Kick Football」
“This game actually stopped me playing from Angry Birds - I love it. Niall plays the rugby version but I prefer this one because you can have penalty shootouts and play people online. The Game Center leader-boards make it really competitive, I don't know how some of those players can get such high scores - I need more practice.”


「Angry Birds」
“Amazing and addictive one of the best games on the App Store. It's easy to play so great fun for all ages.”

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